Hamilton Brush Co. Ltd.
19 Peace Court
Hamilton, Ontario
L8K 5T9
(905) 545-9226
October 25, 2015
Double Holders
Double Strip Holders And 90 Degree Holders
Custom Coil Brushes
Nylon, horse hair, poly, wire fill available
Wire Tapered Brushes
Custom Wire Tapered Brushes With Npt.
Tufted Block Brushes
Cylinder, flat Custom Tufted Brushes
Bowl Mops
Acrylic Bowl Swab
Inverted Wire Brushes
Inverted Coil Brushes
Inverted Nylon Coils
Wire Drawn Brushes
Hand Wound Brushes
Boiler Handles
Yellow Or Black Boiler Handles
Scratch Brushes
Fine Wire, brass, nylon, horsehair fill